Analyzing site speed with GTmetrix

Analyzing performance of your site speed with more detail is well furnished by GTmetrix.This website is powered by yslow,google page speed,Firebug,Harviewer,Netexport,Mod.perl,Gossamberthreads.It prevents the use of adding  powered addons such as yslow,page speed etc to your browser.It provides good summary of performance of your site on the web giving detailed report from both major page analyzers Yslow and page speed.
In the below picture you could see a detail report from yslow and page speed.If you have grade A then your page loads faster than any other site.
Analyzing site speed with GTmetrix

Top 10 Sites that load faster on the internet

Top 10 Sites that load faster on the internet
Facebook top's most sites on the interest for fast page load


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