feed-shark Ping your blog, feed, or podcast easily

Feed Shark is a free online tool that easily promotes your blog or website - with the simple push of a button! Feed Shark pings a variety of services to notify the world that your blog, website, RSS feed, or podcast has recently been updated or created! It takes less than a minute to use Feed Shark and saves you countless hours of time in the process!

Services they Ping

  1. Daypop
  2. Technorati
  3. Bloogz
  4. Blog Census
  5. Blo.gs
  6. IceRocket
  7. Read A Blog
  8. FeedBurner
  9. Google
  10. BlogRolling
  11. focusLook
  12. Weblogs.com
  13. Alexa
  14. GeoURL
  15. Gnoos
  16. Adoppt
  17. Twingly
  18. Infotiger
  19. whatUseek
  20. Cipinet
  21. Burf
  22. FyberSearch
  23. Walhello
  24. Acoon
  25. HopHunt
  26. Super.info
  27. AskPeter
  28. Myahint
  29. Semager
  30. Livedoor
  31. Gnibo
  32. Search-o-rama
  33. Blogdigger
  34. NewsMob
  35. Bulkfeeds
  36. Ngoid
  37. Objects Search
  38. Feed Directory
  39. Postami
  40. Feed24
  41. FeedsFarm
  42. Golden Feed
  43. FeedFury
  44. FeedPlex
  45. Moreover
  46. Yahoo!
  47. WASALive
  48. Feedgy
Podcast services
  1. AllPodcasts
  2. Get A Podcast
  3. YouLoud
  4. Podscope
  5. Odeo
  6. Pluggd
  7. PodLounge
  8. Podcast Like That
  9. Mefeedia
  10. Speecha
  11. Fluctu8
  12. Replay Video
  13. Podcast Fusion
  14. Podcast.com
For more ping services:Click here


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