Podcast Your Blog with ispeech

Ispeech is a website which provides a web application based on text to speech for website and blogs.you can make your blog to talk and improve your user retention.Its very easy to integrate to any platform and much more easier for bloggers.There is absolutely no cost to use iSpeech’s text to speech blog widget.
Ok lets Start to integrate to your blogger/blogspot.
Step 1
first  click the add ispeech widget and add the widget to your blogger.

Step 2
Visit this link and provide your email address and your blog rss feed url.(http://yourblog.com/rss.xml).
then your login details will be sent your email id.

Step 3
If you completed the step 2 then login to your account and you should see your blog details like the one below

then click on a blog's name to view the podcast.

Then Copy the embed code and come here paste the code below in the textarea and add to your blogger easily.

Your blog is ready to speak now and for how it looks and talk you can hear this posts podcast.
To submit your podcast to podcast directories,copy the xml link from the embed code from which you copied from podcast page (for a preview how it looks, i have highlighted it with red)

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.ispeech.org/embed/?feedid=2715&uid=211545&style=color&autostart=no&affiliateid=211545&feedid=2715&feedname=blogger-website-tutorial-fuzionpro&gradienttopcolor=3E5EB9&gradientbottomcolor=1E4581&textcolor=FFFFFF&highlightcolor=FF8F00"></script><noscript><embed src="http://www.ispeech.org/color-ispeech.swf" quality="high" flashvars="&style=color&autostart=no&affiliateid=211545&feedid=2715&feedname=blogger-website-tutorial-fuzionpro&playlist=http://www.ispeech.org/podcasts/2715/blogger-website-tutorial-fuzionpro/pls/blogger-website-tutorial-fuzionpro.xml&gradienttopcolor=3E5EB9&gradientbottomcolor=1E4581&textcolor=FFFFFF&highlightcolor=FF8F00" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="180" height="35" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"/></embed></noscript>


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